Tips For Treating Acne For Clearer Skin

Tips For Treating Acne For Clearer Skin

You have searched the internet and you have consulted with your closest friends but you keep on coming across the same ways of treating acne that are not working for you. Here are some unconventional methods that you probably have not heard of that have been proven to help clear acne.

Do not pop your pimples! It may be initially satisfying, but it is very bad for the healing process. Popping a pimple can force the infection deeper into your pores, causing it to last longer and become more inflammed. You also risk spreading the infection to other pores nearby.

Clean your sheets often. When you are sleeping, you are sweating, drooling, and even putting dirt and body oil all over your sheets. If you aren’t cleaning your sheets at least once every 5 to 7 days, you could be contributing to the difficult to treat acne breakouts that can be painful as well.

If you wash your face in your bathroom sink, make sure that it is cleaned regularly. Bacteria, grease, soap scum and lime scale can all accumulate on a sink. These contaminants are then transferred onto your face each time you wash it and can irritate the skin and cause further acne outbreaks.

For controlling acne, don’t use face washes or cleansers with oil or perfumes in them. Oil in these products can clog pores and cause new pimples to appear. Perfumes are not advised because they can burn or irritate the already sensitive, delicate skin associated with acne.

For more extreme cases of acne infection the sufferer should consult a dermatologist. It might seem excessive to call in a medical expert for mere pimple problems, but the very expertise a dermatologist brings to an acne sufferer is immensely effective. A trained dermatologist will be able to diagnose the precise causes of acne and prescribe the most powerful medications to fight it.

Try to avoid keeping your face in the sun. Tanning on your face is a sure way to develop acne and also, to make any acne that you already have, worse. This can cause the skin around and on your breakouts, to shed a ton more than the rest of your skin, too.

To avoid acne breakouts, be sure to avoid using detergents on your skin or to wash your clothes. These harsh chemical and petroleum-based products can wreak havoc on your skin. Instead, visit your local health food store to find castile and plant-based liquid soaps that can be used as a face and body wash, as well as to launder your clothes and linens.

Don’t use ice cubes on your pimples. Ice will not treat or prevent pimples. This is a common misconception. Ice will only slow the growth of your pimples making them harder to come out. They will also be harder to get rid of because they will last longer on your skin.

In conclusion, you tried all of the popular ways of clearing or preventing your acne but nothing has worked for you. You probably have never heard of these methods, but as long as you follow them correctly you might just find that they work for your unique body type.

Category: Acne